序号 |
论 文 名 称 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 发表刊物、会议名称及检索号或ISSN |
1 | Influence of rectifiers on high speed permanent magnet generator electromagnetic and temperature fields | 邱洪波 | 2014.11 | IEEE Trans. on energy conversion SCI: 000354864300026 ISSN : 0885-8969 |
2 | Operating Point Optimization of Auxiliary Power Unit Using Adaptive Multi-Objective Differential Evolution Algorithm | 申永鹏 | 2016.07 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics WOS: 000390470600012 |
3 | General hybrid projective complete dislocated synchronization between a class of chaotic real nonlinear systems and a class of chaotic complex nonlinear systems | 孙军伟 | 2015.12. | Applied Mathematical Modelling SCI: 000365369000006 ISSN: 0307-904X |
4 | Dual-Peak self-Biased Magneto electric CouplingsinTb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.92/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3/SmFe2 Symmetrical Multiferroic Heterostructures | 张吉涛 | 2015.06 | IEEE Transactions on Magnetics WOS: 000364770500172 |
5 | A Model Predictive Control-Based Common-Mode Voltage Suppression Strategy for Voltage-Source Inverter | 郭磊磊 | 2016.07 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics WOS: 000384641900014 |
6 | Quasi-ideal memory system | 孙军伟 | 2015.05 | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics SCI: 000356386300011 ISSN: 2168-2267 |
7 | Research of Semantic Understanding on Target Region of Interest for Fuzzy Image | 吴青娥 | 2015.01 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence SCI: :000346453800012 |
8 | 光伏并网逆变器有限 状态模型预测电流控制 | 金楠 | 2015.07 | 中国电机工程学报 EI: 20154801621784 |
9 | 基于直接AC/AC变换的动态电压恢复器研究 | 金楠 | 2015.01 | 电工技术学报 EI: 20152500946747 |
10 | Analytical Analysis of Sleeve Permeability for Output Performance of High Speed Permanent Magnet Generators Driven by Micro Gas Turbines | 邱洪波 | 2016.05 | Applied Mathematical Modelling WOS: 000384853900012 |
11 | Combination Complex Synchronization of Three Chaotic Complex Systems | 孙军伟 | 2015.01 | Nonlinear Dynamics WOS: 000391121200002 |
12 | 光伏并网逆变器模型预测电流控制研究 | 金楠 | 2016.09 | 电测与仪表23-1202/TH |
13 | 永磁伺服电机转子偏心对电机性能的影响研究 | 孔汉 | 2016.01 | 电机与控制学报23-1408/TM |
14 | 风电场并网对互联系统小干扰稳定及低频振荡特性的影响 | 和萍 | 2014.11 | 电力系统自动化1000-1026 |
15 | 小波包与样本熵相融合的PMSM失磁故障诊断 | 张志艳 | 2015.02 | 电机与控制学报23-1408/TM |